Impulsando la Inteligencia Artificial en Andalucía

Conecta, innova y transforma el futuro tecnológico en nuestra comunidad.

Conectando la Inteligencia Artificial en Andalucía

En IA en Andalucía, fomentamos la innovación y el desarrollo tecnológico, facilitando la formación y el networking para empresas, startups y profesionales en el ámbito de la inteligencia artificial.

red and white lights in dark room
red and white lights in dark room
Impulsamos la innovación tecnológica
Transformación digital en sectores clave

Promovemos alianzas con universidades e instituciones para posicionar Andalucía como un referente en inteligencia artificial, acelerando la transformación digital en turismo, agricultura, salud e industria.

Forma parte de nuestra Comunidad de IA en AndaluciA

Conectamos y potenciamos la inteligencia artificial para impulsar la innovación en Andalucía.

Formación en IA
A glowing neon sign displaying the letters 'AI' is mounted on a dark, textured wall that resembles a circuit board or technological pattern.
A glowing neon sign displaying the letters 'AI' is mounted on a dark, textured wall that resembles a circuit board or technological pattern.

Ofrecemos talleres y cursos para desarrollar habilidades en inteligencia artificial y tecnología.

Large blue letters 'AI' stand prominently on a surface covered with a pattern of hexagonal shapes. Dark swirling lines intersect around the letters, creating a sense of motion and complexity. The background has a metallic sheen with a futuristic, digital style.
Large blue letters 'AI' stand prominently on a surface covered with a pattern of hexagonal shapes. Dark swirling lines intersect around the letters, creating a sense of motion and complexity. The background has a metallic sheen with a futuristic, digital style.
A conference room with a long wooden table surrounded by chairs covered in protective plastic. Multiple computer monitors are placed on tables against the walls, each displaying nature-themed images. The walls are lined with wood paneling, and a sign indicating a center for artificial intelligence is displayed at the front. There are decorative flower arrangements on the table, and the overall setup suggests a professional environment.
A conference room with a long wooden table surrounded by chairs covered in protective plastic. Multiple computer monitors are placed on tables against the walls, each displaying nature-themed images. The walls are lined with wood paneling, and a sign indicating a center for artificial intelligence is displayed at the front. There are decorative flower arrangements on the table, and the overall setup suggests a professional environment.
Networking efectivo

Facilitamos conexiones entre empresas, startups y profesionales para fomentar la colaboración en IA.

Promoción de alianzas estratégicas con universidades e instituciones para el desarrollo de IA.

Alianzas en IA
gray computer monitor

Contacto IA

Conéctate con nosotros para impulsar la IA en Andalucía.